Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Needs for Wednesday

We placed two families in housing today and have two more that we hope to place soon.  If you have any lead on rental properties, please send them to will@central-churchofChrist.com.  Also, we need three lawnmowers for these families (it is a requirement at the places where they are staying).  If you would like to donate a used lawnmower in good condition or give money to purchase new lawnmowers, please contact the church office at 256-232-2014.

Tomorrow we will repeat what we did today.  We need volunteers to work in the gym distributing items as people come in.  Again, we expect to have more people tomorrow which means we need more volunteers.  Basically, we ask our volunteers to walk around the gym with the families who come in, help them gather supplies, talk with them, and offer to pray with them.  Often, you will have to be something of a salesperson because all of the families today were reluctant to take what they really needed because they wanted to make sure other people could get supplies.  We have tables set up with coffee, soft drinks, and snacks available, and it may be the case that the families would like to sit down, relax, and chat for a little while.  Any time you can work between 9am-4pm will be much appreciated.

Tomorrow morning between 9am-10am, a a couple of pick-up trucks from the Monrovia Church of Christ will arrive at the church building with more supplies.  It would be great to have folks here to unload the trucks quickly.  If you can come at 9am, we would greatly appreciate it.  If the truck comes later, we will send out a text and post it on this blog.

Once again, we will be delivering coffee to utility workers tomorrow morning.  If you would like to help with that, be at the building at 9am.

Even with the trucks from Monrovia, we are still asking people to bring supplies.  We are not taking clothing and do not need more water.  However, pretty much everything else needs replenishing.  Here's a list of some of the items:
  • Cleaning supplies
  • laundry detergent
  • diapers
  • baby forluma/food
  • wet wipes
  • hygiene products (deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrush, razors, shaving cream, feminine products, etc.)
  • toys in good shape
  • non-perishable food
  • towels
  • paper products (plates, napkins/towels, forks, spoons, toilet paper)
This is not a comprehensive list necessarily, but the idea is to get things that folks would need if their homes/vehicles were lost or damaged, if they have been unable to work due to the storm, or whose power is still out. 

If you have any questions or suggestions, call Will Grice at 256-232-2239.

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